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2023 Operating Engineers 324 General Election Voting Guide

2023 Operating Engineers 324 General Election Voting Guide

Policy over Party is the motto of the Operating Engineers 324 political program. Our Members and industry allies are focused on building and maintaining a better Michigan. We support Legislators at the local, state and federal levels who demonstrate a willingness to focus on job creating legislation and workforce betterment, who understand the value of businesses and their employees, and who refrain from toeing the partisan line. These are the traits and values that will earn our loyalty at the ballot box. OE 324 Business Manager Douglas W. Stockwell has created ten regional political action committees to directly engage in in-district political activities. The cornerstones to these ten regional political action committees are our in-district Members. The endorsements below represent those candidates our PACs and our leadership have identified as those who will best continue to represent Operating Engineers and the important work we carry out daily.

Download the 2023 Operating Engineers 324 General Election Voting Guide here

VoterGuide_OE324EN Fall 2023